Reduce Teeth Grinding and Jaw Clenching with Hypnosis
Are you looking for help to stop grinding your teeth?
Are you tired of the destruction and pain associated with teeth grinding?
Have you had it with cleaning, replacing, and struggling with the bite block?
Are you dealing with TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) because of your teeth grinding?

Doctors and dentists call it bruxism, but you may know it as the painful clenching of teeth that happens typically while you sleep. Bruxism or grinding your teeth is associated with forceful jaw movements, resulting in a rubbing, gritting, or grinding movement and a host of potential health problems.
Our hypnosis programs have been proven to be a safe and effective way to provide relief of stress, anxiety, teeth grinding and jaw clenching. Many people don’t even realize that they are grinding their teeth or clenching their jaw until they wake up in the morning with jaw pain and discomfort. Our hypnosis programs can help you train your subconscious mind to relax your muscles in your jaw while you are sleeping and under stress. Several Doctors and Dentists in the Greater Pittsburgh Area refer their client to our office to help them address bruxism and jaw clenching.
Call our office to schedule your Free Consultation and Evaluation and discover how you can free yourself from the pain and discomfort of teeth grinding and jaw clenching! 724-934-8446