Frequently Asked Questions

What are your qualifications?

Anyone can be trained, but not everyone can be successful at hypnosis. 
Dan Vitchoff is a licensed, Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified NLP Trainer (Neurolingistic Programming). Dan has a Bachelors Degree in psychology and a Masters Degree for which he specialized in varying exceptionalities and special education. In his early years, he traveled throughout the United States and worked side by side with the most accomplished hypnotherapists. He has taken these experiences, and is now utilizing the “best of the best” techniques in his practice and on his powerful self-hypnosis CD’s. Dan was also very lucky. He lived two blocks away from Norb Bakas, the world’s oldest, living hypnotherapist, and spent many hours being mentored by Norb. Dan now takes all of those experiences and uses them in his powerful hypnosis programs to enrich the lives of those who experiences them, whether they are personal sessions or self-hypnosis CD’s. Your life will be changed in positive ways. He guarantees it.

Why Hypnosis?

It can be one of the most important ways to change your behaviors as you change your mind. Our clients come to us after nothing else works, and they usually have success with hypnosis. Choosing a good hypnotherapist is important. They will know how to effectively change your behaviors that will allow you to take back control of your life. They should be both licensed and board certified.

How does hypnosis work?

Our minds work on two levels, conscious and subconscious. We make decisions, think and act with our conscious mind. The subconscious controls our habits. In the state known as hypnosis, we can communicate directly with the subconscious mind. This is why it is so quick and easy to change habits of a lifetime through the use of hypnosis.

Can I be hypnotized?

Mostly everyone can be hypnotized. If you can listen and follow directions, you can be hypnotized. Almost anyone can experience the benefits of hypnosis and achieve auccessful results. You have to have an IQ of at least 70 and no severe mental disorders. It is a natural and relaxing state. In fact, as you practice self-hypnosis, you can train your mind to get better and better.

Can I be hypnotized if I’m too strong-willed or have a controlling personality?

Yes. Many people feel that they are too strong to be hypnotized, and that it is only for the weak and naïve. But in fact, those people that are strong-willed and intelligent are generally very successful with hypnosis.

How will I know if I’m hypnotized?

Many people won’t be able to tell if they are in a hypnotic state. Some people don’t even think that they were hypnotized after a session, but the effects can be so profound in changing behaviors. You just simply feel deeply relaxed. Most people enter a hypnotic state several times a day with out realizing it. When driving on a familiar road, you may daydream and pass an exit without realizing it. This is called driving hypnosis. Or while watching television, you may zone out and not pay attention to what is around you.

Is hypnosis safe?

Hypnosis is approved by the American Psychological Association to treat many conditions. While being hypnotized under the care of a licensed hypnotherpist you are still able to hear, see, and think rationally on your own. Contrary to popular belief you don't lose control over your own behavior.

How does hypnosis feel?

Hypnosis is a natural state. You will feel relaxed as if you are sitting on your most comfortable chair reading a book. You will feel quite peaceful.

How can hypnosis be used to quit smoking or manage weight?

Hypnosis is the fastest, most effective way to put an end to your cravings for nicotine, sugar, breads and starches and can program your mind to eat healthy foods only when you are hungry resulting in weight control and a healthier lifestyle.

Can hypnosis help me with any other problems?

Yes. Hypnosis is effective for a wide range of behaviors that you would like to enhance including weight loss, ending food cravings, smoking cessation, stress management, improving self-confidence, improving your golf game, improving sports performance, and public speaking. Check out are program section for a full list of programs.  We also do custom programs.

Can hypnosis make me do something against my will?

No. You will never do anything against your will.

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