Overcome Nail Biting and Other Undesirable Habits with Hypnosis
Are your nails ugly and embarrassing?
Do you catch yourself biting your nails in all sorts of situations?
Do you pick or bite the skin around your nails?
Do you have a child that bites their fingernails, the skin around their nails or chews on their clothes?

Many people, adults and children bite their fingernails or show other physical signs of stress and tension such as pulling out hair or picking at their skin. Hypnosis can be very effective at helping to reduce stress and tension resulting in a dramatic reduction and in specific cases elimination of these types of behaviors and habits.
“My son was 10 years old and biting his fingernails and the skin around his nails. Thanks to PA Hypnosis Center, he is no longer biting his fingernails and his teachers have noticed a big improvement in his focus and concentration in school.” – Anonymous
“I had bitten my finger nails my whole life and now that I’m in college, I just wanted to be done with it. I recently went home over break and surprised my parents with my new manicure!” - Anonymous
“Being a counselor myself, I knew that my fingernail biting was a result of how I handled stress in my life but now matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t seem to stop biting my nails long term. Hypnosis helped me stop biting my nails and now I’m not embarrassed by my hands anymore and I look forward to getting my nails done.” - Anonymous
Call us to schedule your free consultation and learn more about how hypnosis can help you gain greater control over nervous behaviors and habits! 724-934-8446